When it comes to borrowing money, whether it be for a home, car or personal loan, having a good credit score can greatly improve your chances of approval and can even result in lower interest rates. But what exactly is a good credit score in Australia?
In Australia, credit scores range from 0 to 1200, with a score of 1200 being the highest and most desirable. This score is calculated by credit reporting agencies such as Equifax, Experian and Illion based on your credit history, which includes details of your credit accounts, payment history, and any defaults or bankruptcies.
While each lender has their own criteria for assessing credit scores, generally a score of 700 or above is considered good in Australia. Scores between 500 and 699 are considered average, while scores below 500 are considered below average and may result in more difficulty obtaining credit.
It’s important to note that credit scores are just one of many factors that lenders consider when assessing loan applications. Other factors include your income, employment status, and existing debts.
So how can you improve your credit score? One of the most important factors is ensuring that you make all of your loan and credit card payments on time. Late or missed payments can have a significant negative impact on your credit score.
Another important factor is limiting your credit applications. Every time you apply for credit, it leaves a mark on your credit history. Multiple applications in a short period of time can be seen as a sign of financial stress and can lower your credit score.
Finally, regularly checking your credit report for errors or fraudulent activity can also help maintain a good credit score. You should aim to do this once a year.
In conclusion, having a good credit score is important when it comes to borrowing money in Australia. While a score of 700 or above is generally considered good, it’s important to remember that credit scores are just one of many factors that lenders consider. By making all of your loan and credit card payments on time, limiting your credit applications, and regularly checking your credit report, you can improve your chances of maintaining a good credit score.